Saturday, December 1, 2012

Well Hello Trichinella!

A parasite of the roundworm classification Trichinella is is known to cause a disease called trichinellosis. Trichinellosis is a parasitic disease caused by eating raw or undercooked pork or wild game infected with the larvae of trichinella.
There are eight Trichinella species; five are encapsulated and three are not. Spiralis is more adapted to pigs and is most pathogenic in human. Britovi is the second most common of Trichinella to infect humans usually you can find it in wild boar and domesticated pigs. Nativa has a high resistance to freezing, pretty much only found in the arctic and subarctic regions; this is usually in polar bears, arctic foxes, walruses and other animals indigenous to arctic climates. Nelsoni, found primarily in eastern Africa, has been documented to cause a few human cases. Murrelli spreads mostly through black bear meat and it is distributed among wild carnivorous populations. 

Now to the non-encapsulated species, Pseudospiralis infects birds but also had been found in the human population as well. Papuae infects both mammals and reptiles, including crocodiles, humans, and pigs. Zimbabwensis can infect mammals but not much in the human population; mostly only been detected in reptiles of Africa. Most animals are exposed to the parasite by either feeding of animal with products contaminated with Trichinella, exposure to infected rodents or other infected wildlife or cannibalism within an infected herd. 
Trichinella infection can be prevented, by cooking properly or by freezing pork. However, freezing pork is not an effective method for killing the larvae itself. When cooking a food thermometer should be used to measure the internal temperature of cooked meat. Do not sample meat until it is completely and thoroughly cooked. To aid in prevention of a Trichinella infection in animal populations, do not allow animals to eat uncooked meat, scraps, or carcasses of any other animals that may be infected with Trichinella. 
The Trichinella parasite is one that is easy to come in contact with and become infected with, if you are not careful. Be cautious with meat sources and hunting. Be aware of where the meat comes from what region you live in and the risks of Trichinella.

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